The warning signs midlife men should not ignore


The latest statistics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (November 2023) state that the life expectancy of Australian males is 81.2 years and for females is 85.3 years. This is a slight decrease from the period 2019 – 2021. It is also commonly reported that men would rather ignore their [...]

The warning signs midlife men should not ignore2024-02-01T02:00:21+00:00

King Charles lll and Men’s Health Checks


As has been reported in the media recently, King Charles will be undergoing ‘corrective surgery for an enlarged prostate’ shortly. The prostate is a gland that sits in the pelvis of males, just below the bladder, and plays a role in semen production. About 1 in 2 people aged over [...]

King Charles lll and Men’s Health Checks2024-01-23T01:12:23+00:00

Chronic Traumatic Dementia or CTE?


January 31st 2024 is CTE Awareness Day. CTE is a type of dementia in which many repeated injuries to a person’s head can lead to a loss of neurons and their connections over time. It is thought that brain vibration, inflammation, or a person’s genetic profile may play a role [...]

Chronic Traumatic Dementia or CTE?2024-01-15T01:11:41+00:00

Book your skin cancer check now!


Every year, in Australia: skin cancers account for around 80% of all newly diagnosed cancers the majority of skin cancers are caused by exposure to the sun the incidence of skin cancer is one of the highest in the world, two to three times the rates in Canada, the US [...]

Book your skin cancer check now!2024-01-15T01:10:50+00:00

Patient Survey Feedback


Every three years as part of the Royal Australian of College of General Practitioners Accreditation requirements, our Clinic conducts a patient practice improvement survey. This is organised through an external company called CFEP. In September, 211 patients of the Stirling Central Health Clinic completed the survey. Questions in the survey [...]

Patient Survey Feedback2023-11-01T05:56:16+00:00

Changes to Shingles Vaccination from 1st November 2023


(Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care, National Immunisation program). From 1 November 2023, the shingles vaccine Shingrix® will replace Zostavax® on the National Immunisation Program (NIP) for eligible people. A 2-dose course of Shingrix® will be available free for: • people aged 65 years and over • Aboriginal [...]

Changes to Shingles Vaccination from 1st November 20232023-10-13T04:47:45+00:00

Patient Survey


Recently, a random selection of our patients was selected to complete an anonymous survey on the services provided by our GPs, Practice Nurses, Administrative staff and the clinic generally. An independent company was engaged to develop the survey, collate the data and will shortly be providing a report to the [...]

Patient Survey2023-10-03T22:48:36+00:00

Meet Dr Richard Newman, FRACP, MBBS Adelaide – Consultant Physician


Dr Newman trained in Adelaide after graduating in 1986, completing his fellowship qualifications in Internal Medicine in 1994 and in Intensive Care Medicine in 2000. Having practiced in the public and private sectors he now consults at Stirling Central Health Clinic and 344 South Terrace Adelaide. His main interest is [...]

Meet Dr Richard Newman, FRACP, MBBS Adelaide – Consultant Physician2023-10-03T22:45:52+00:00

Breast Cancer Awareness Month – October 2023


Did you know that more than 1,800 South Australian women are diagnosed with breast and gynaecological cancer each year. That equates to almost 5 South Australian women diagnosed with breast and gynaecological cancer every day. By their 85th birthday, one in seven Australian women will develop breast cancer. Girls Night [...]

Breast Cancer Awareness Month – October 20232023-10-03T22:45:19+00:00

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month – September 2023


September is Prostate Cancer Awareness month. New international research providing evidence of the effectiveness of MRIs in detecting prostate cancer could change the way the way the disease is screened for and help save the lives of more than 3500 Australians every year. A new study from University College London [...]

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month – September 20232023-09-05T01:24:33+00:00
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