Glaucoma is the name given to a group of eye diseases where vision is lost due to damage to the optic nerve. The resulting vision loss is irreversible. This is usually a gradual loss of sight and a considerable amount of peripheral (side) vision may occur before a person notices the problem. Unfortunately, there is no cure.

In Australia, 1 in 50 people will develop glaucoma in their lifetime. 50% of people with glaucoma don’t know they have it. You are 10x more likely to develop glaucoma if a direct relative has it.

Glaucoma cannot be self-detected – only an optometrist or ophthalmologist can determine whether you have glaucoma.

For more information about glaucoma, click here. If you are worried about your eyesight, speak to your GP by booking an appointment on 8370 9777 or book online here. Your GP can help you with the next steps.